(877) 220-2041
SEFAC is committed
SEFAC is committed on a daily basis to upholding community values.
These aim at taking various issues into account in the course of it’s business, such as:
Social responsibility
Environmental responsibility
SEFAC is socially involved through it’s support of a number of local associations via sponsoring initiatives and corporate patronage.
Some examples…
The league’s mission is to inform, educate and to fight against cancer. The league’s objective is to improve the lives of the patients and their families (by the listening, financial, material and psychological support).
Les P’tits Bouchons d’Ardennes is an association which help disabled children by means of the collection of plastic closures. SEFAC contributes over 12 000 plastic closures per year.
Based to Bogny-sur-Meuse (France), this museum is a major place where you can discover the history of the steel industry in the French Ardennes. A SEFAC mobile column lift is a part of the permanent exhibition.
Football Club Athlétique Monthermé
The Monthermé Soccer club is the sport association of the city. SEFAC accompanies the sportswomen of the club during their movements, in particular with the purchase of sports equipment.